Our map collection of about 2000 items. Approximately half of our maps relate to Queensland, with some dating from 1842.
The collection has the following types of maps:
Shows property boundaries and subdivisions, areas, and landowners
Shows civil parishes, land owners, land boundaries, and land usage
Shows roads, rivers, built-up areas, contours, and height information
Shows specific features such as forests, agriculture, railways, government boundaries
Shows places of interest, including national parks, forest reserves, camping areas, major industries, and historical sites
Shows regional transportation systems, distances, and communications
We have a collection of digital maps; search the Library Catalogue for relevant CDs. v-Library
The Map Collection has three vertical map cabinets and a horizontal plan cabinet. In addition, you will find tourist maps, road maps, National Geographic country maps and more in the relevant compactus.
The contents of the cabinets:
On the top of each map cabinet, you will find a folder detailing the maps in that particular cabinet.
For a more detailed description, see Guide to QFHS Map Collection.
We hold gazetteers of the United Kingdom and Germany. Check the library catalogue for details of gazetteers on CD, microfiche, and microfilm. v-Library
If you have an enquiry about our collection, contact Maps.
The Library Assistants on duty at the Family History Research Centre can also provide assistance.