Queensland Family History Society Inc


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Acknowledgements - Assisted immigration 1848 to 1912

This dataset, "Assisted Immigration 1848 to 1912", is the copyright of the Queensland State Archives (QSA) and is released under License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, enabling others (including QFHS, QFHS members, and the public) to legally re-use the data in their own publications (including websites, books, etc), provided that the QSA is acknowledged as the copyright holder and that the QSA has provided the data under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.

QFHS thank QSA for their efforts in creating and releasing this dataset under this licence. QFHS thank Saadia Thomson Dwyer from QSA for her assistance and advice in making this dataset available through QFHS DataSearch.

We note that, in instances where the Date field was missing, a date of the “1st July of the Year field was inserted” by QSA to assist searching. QFHS has also made minor changes to this dataset. These changes relate to standardising date formats within the Date field (DD/MM/YYYY). In addition QFHS has reordered the columns to place them in an order favoured by our researchers.

For more information about the ownership of this data, please see the Queensland Government Open Data Portal https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/assisted-immigration-1848-to-1912.