Queensland Family History Society Inc


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Join QFHS or Renew Membership


Join Now Renewal
Category Annual Fee Annual Fee
Single $90.00 $80.00
Dual $130.00 $120.00
Journal Only $40.00 $40.00

QFHS offers the following categories of membership:

  • Single Membership
  • Dual Membership: Two members with one registered address may join the Society as dual members. Dual members who provide separate email addresses will receive the electronic journal to each email address. Dual members are entitled to one vote at the General Meetings.
  • Overseas Membership: Any individual residing outside of Australia may join the Society to take advantage of the Society’s online resources and services. The GST (Goods & Services Tax) does not apply to products purchased by individuals not residing in Australia. Overseas members will have access to the online version of the Society’s quarterly journal. All communication will be via email. Please use the Online Option below to apply for membership or follow this link directly to our online shop.

  • Life Membership is also available. Contact the Membership Secretary for more information.

We charge a joining fee when members join the Society.

You may also consider:

  • Journal Only Subscription: Our Journal Only Subscription entitles you to receive the Society's quarterly journal, the Queensland Family Historian, but offers no other benefits or entitlements.
    Libraries, associations, societies, and organisations who have exchange journal agreements with QFHS or who receive complimentary copies of the Queensland Family Historian do not require Journal Only Subscriptions.

You are invited to apply for membership of the Society by selecting from the following options:

Option 1 - Pay Online.

Option 2 - Pay by Direct Credit.

  1. Download New Membership Application Form.
  2. Pay by direct credit. The Society’s account details are listed below. Please ensure you give your first, last name and phone number or email address as the reference.
  3. Complete the New Membership Application Form and note that you have paid the fee by direct credit.
  4. Scan and email as an attachment to secretary@qfhs.org.au. If scanning is not an option, deliver to Family History Research Centre or post to PO Box 78 Geebung 4034.  


  1. Access to the QFHS website, to our online data, and to subscription databases, including MyHeritage, will be provided as soon as possible, but this process may take up to 10 days. We will endeavour to provide access as soon as possible.
  2. If posting, allow 10 days for your application to be received and acknowledged by QFHS. As soon as possible after your application is received, you will receive an email advising you of your membership status. If you wish to visit the Family History Research Centre prior to receiving your Membership Card by post, please show the email to the library assistant on duty.


Renew Membership

Option 1 - Pay Online.

Select an option from the Renewal column below and add to Cart. Follow the prompts to complete your renewal. A posted membership renewal form is not required. 

Option 2 - Pay by Direct Debit.

The Society’s account details are listed below. Please ensure you give your last name and membership number as the reference. A posted membership renewal form is not required. 

BSB: 484-799
Account No: 041217518
Account Name: Queensland Family History Society Inc.

Option 3 - Pay offline by credit card

Our bank no longer accepts cheques.  Pay offline by credit card by completing the Membership Renewal Form.

Download the Membership Renewal Form. Deliver to Family History Research Centre or post to PO Box 78 Geebung 4034.

Note: If your membership is more than 3 months overdue and you wish to renew, you will be asked to pay the joining fee before renewing.


Updating Membership Details

You can update you membership details (e.g. name, address, email, telephone number) at any time by completing the Membership Details Change online form in the Members Portal