Queensland Family History Society Inc


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Welsh Interest Group


Flag Of Wales

This group is for QFHS members addressing the particular challenges of researching families in Wales. You will find us friendly, enthusiastic, and welcoming.

Our meetings usually feature a short talk or presentation, and there is always opportunity for discussion of a brick wall or a tricky research problem.

If you're unravelling your Davies, Evans, Jones, Williams or other Welsh families, then this is the group for you.

If your family hails from one of the historic counties of Anglesey, Brecknock, Caernarfon, Ceredigion, Carmarthen, Denbigh, Flint, Glamorgan, Merioneth, Monmouth, Montgomery, Pembroke or Radnor, then this is also the group for you.



The group meets on the third Sunday in January, March, May, July, September, and November between 10.00 am and 12.00 noon. Presently we are meeting online using Zoom - email the convenor for details.


Next Meetings:



Charlotte Sale



Click on the highlighted words for an overview of the Welsh special interest group and researching the Welsh.

This list of the Family History Societies in Wales and the areas they cover may be useful.

You may enjoy these Welsh-oriented books and research guides: Booklist


Presentations from previous meetings available for QFHS members:

2024 Focus on Carmarthenshire
2024 Drove roads from Wales
2023 Focus on Anglesey
2023 Focus on Flintshire
2023 More about Glamorganshire
2023 Researching in Glamorganshire
2022 Researching with patronymics - a case study
2021 Welsh comings and goings (migration)
2021 Researching in Monmouthshire
2020 Finding records in Wales
2020 Researching the Welsh using Ancestry
2020 Researching Welsh using FamilySearch
2020: Indexes: tips and traps
2019: Tracing Welsh ancestry: some links
2019: A Glamorgan family bible
2019: Researching the Welsh in Findmypast
2019: Welsh naming conundrums
2019: Exploring Welsh family history: an overview
2018: Key events in Welsh history
  (more coming soon...)