Queensland Family History Society Inc


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QFHS Calendar Event

Members Lounge - Talking About … Medieval Genealogy

Members Lounge - Talking About … Medieval Genealogy
Starts: 24 Jul 2024 at 10:00 AM
Ends: 24 Jul 2024 at 12:00 PM

Is it possible to trace ancestors to the medieval period? Yes. Join us for a "virtual" cuppa as we discuss resources and methods.

Whether you have traced your family to the medieval period, or you would like some guidance on the process, we will welcome your input and questions at this discussion.

Facilitator: Chris Schuetz from the Queensland Family History Society Inc.

Please note. This event does not have a presenter.

Social connection and learning will be promoted by a facilitator providing discussion opportunities for the participants, through prompts, conversation and chat messages.

In some instances there may be a list of resources and the 'chat' emailed to participants after the event. The event will not be recorded.

As these sessions have a limited number of tickets to ensure everyone gets their chance to participate in the discussion, if you are booked and realise you are now unable to attend, please advise us so we can reallocate your ticket to someone on the waitlist.

This event will be held at 10:00 am Queensland, Australia time (AEST, no daylight saving)

Register Here

* Image: Attribution: by Page, William, 1861-1934; Huguenot Society of London via the Internet Archive